[aka. revenge of the
super long-winded deedee]
There was a time when I don't use makeup at all. I started to use lipsticks when I was 14, but that was the only single type of makeup item I bought at that age all the way till 18. Although I only bought lipsticks, I have a whole box of makeup! Yes, all lipsticks. I was already a bit of makeup-crazy then already, but I only knew how to use lipsticks, so I only bought lipsticks... perhaps around 20 of them.
I started to learn using foundation, blusher and eyeshadows when I was 18. It was in preparation for my JC's graduation night. I didn't intend to spend my meagre allowance on a professional makeover, so I decided to DIY. I still remembered I bought my very first powder foundation and blusher from
de la something (I don't remember the brand name already, it's no longer available and when I did a search on Google I couldn't find it too!) at John Little departmental store in Specialist Shopping Centre. Also had a few eyeshadows from Robinson's at Centrepoint during some sales. Bought those drugstore brand, I don't remember if it's L'oreal or Revlon. Mascara was from L'oreal, and lippies from every drugstore brand possible - Cover Girl, Physician's Formula, Evans, ZA, etc. =P
I really liked my foundation and blusher a lot, and at that point of time I wasn't like now. Back then I was contented with one foundation, one blusher, one of everything (except lippies and eyeshadows of course!) and I used both my "
de la something" foundation and blusher until I hit the bottom of the pan, and dunno how many years later. =X Of course they were discarded by now, so I couldn't show you pics. I threw away my lippies too, sadly before I got addicted to taking pics of anything and everything.
I've never used makeup before 18, so I didn't know how to apply the eyeshadow then, like which colour to go where, how to blend, etc. I consulted some friends and they tried my few cheap eyeshadow palattes on me... The first time blue was used on me, I thought I looked super horrendous and vampish!! And so I started to hate using blue on my eyes. On the other hand, brownish tones made me look old if applied correctly. If applied wrongly, it'd make my eyes look punched and swollen.
Fortunately for me, a close girlfriend loved to try her luck and call to make appointment for 2 when magazines had those "
first 200 to call get free makeover at XXX counter!" etc promotions, and always brought me along with her. She did so to prepare for her Prom too! And she ended up going for a professional makeup and hairdo makeover and looked super good~ From those free makeup-counter-makeover experiences, I've found my fave colour to go on my eyelids - green. It suits my skin pretty well.
So I used green on my graduation night in 1998, but I was light-handed cos I didn't want to look too eerie and scare people, and the makeup was almost nude besides my lips and peachy looking cheeks. Awwww~ I still love my first blusher... and missing it now.
After JC I started to work temp, but I used minimal makeup... just my foundation, blusher and lippy. That's how my foundation and blusher hit bottom of the pan. And I hated to use any kinda eye makeup because I always made a mess outta it and look super ugly. I'd rather skip having eye makeup... seriously I think I'll look better without.
As time went by, I ditched my old lippies or expired makeup items, and gradually the makeup items I owned was just the bare necessities that could fit into a couple of big makeup pouches. I did buy some makeup items on and off, especially from Maybelline and Red Earth, but I almost never use makeup in my schooling days and too lazy to use over weekends. Thus I wasted lots of $$ on those makeup items which were thrown away after a couple of years with the contents almost untouched, although the container maybe dusty or contents mouldy already.
From 1999 to 2005, I guess the only times I used makeup was for D&Ds or clubbing, which sum up to less than 20 times a year! And yet the amount spent on makeup... oh~ I couldn't remember, but I knew the amount's all wasted, although I'm pretty sure I didn't spent as much as in these 2 months...
Recently I started to pick up the makeup-crazy spirit in me again and
WooOOooW~ Just look at my collection!!! Crazy me overspent in last 2 months, just on makeup items alone... (>.<) The good thing is I love the makeup stuff I bought because they are really nice to use or worth keeping. The bad thing is I still don't really like to use makeup. Either too lazy, too troublesome, or too lazy. *opps* =X
I do like trying the new makeup on my face now, but I really hate it when it's time to remove the layer of makeup on my face. I don't like to use makeup remover and I don't like to spend time trying and trying to clean away the colours and mascara etc and making sure that my face is really cleaned. Especially when it's getting late and I'm uber tired. It's this cleaning up part that totally puts me off from starting to use the makeup to begin with.
Or perhaps, I'm just too lazy! (>.<)